Helen Harrison OT aims to improve  your independence and quality of life. 

Helen Harrison

Neurological Occupational Therapist (OT)

Neurological Occupational Therapists assess neurological conditions, such as brain and spinal cord injuries, strokes, or progressive conditions, such as Parkinsons and multiple sclerosis. 

We look for physical, cognitive and sensory symptoms, and work alongside  you  to progress and improve your independence.

We want you to live the best life you can.

Helen qualified as an occupational therapist in 2010 and specialised in neurological rehabilitation. She feels passionate about helping those with neurological impairments to overcome challenges, barriers and to achieve their full potential.

Helen qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2010 and specialised in neurological rehabilitation. She initially worked for many years in the NHS, both in neurological inpatient units and in community neuro teams.This included working on a level 1 rehabilitation unit providing rehab to those with complex brain injuries and polytrauma. Throughout these experiences, she developed skills in functional rehabilitation, seating, upper limb rehab, equipment provision and splinting. She also developed a specialist interest in cognitive assessment and rehabilitation.

In 2018, she commenced working as an independent OT, both privately and within medico legal cases, where she furthered her skills in vocational rehabilitation. More recently, she has commenced work as an occupational therapy expert witness.

Helen feels passionate about helping those with neurological impairments to overcome challenges, barriers and to achieve their full potential.

Contact Helen.

Career highlights include:

  • Helping a mother relearn the skills to look after her daughter

  • Helping a footballer to manage the cognitive demands required to return to a career in football

  • Making a writing splint to allow a client to write

  • Supporting a client to set out reasonable adjustments and cognitive strategies at work so that they were able to manage their job demands

  • Enabling someone with cognitive difficulties to relearn the ability to find their way around in their local community

  • Working with someone to develop the ability to initiate tasks, such as toileting and getting himself food and drinks so that he was less reliant on carers.

Helen can help those with the following conditions:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Strokes

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Brain Tumours

  • Hypoxic Brain Injuries

  • Post Concussion Syndrome

  • Degenerative neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntingdon’s Disease and Motor Neurone Disease.


  • Upper Limb Rehabilitation

    Helen will assess a client’s upper limb strength, movement, co-ordination and sensation. She will then recommend a rehabilitation programme specific to their needs to either aim to improve the use of their upper limb, and/or best manage their symptoms.

  • Cognitive Rehabilitation

    After a brain injury or neurological condition, an individual’s thinking skills can be affected, such as reduced concentration, slower processing speed, reduced memory or difficulties with planning, problem solving, initiation or flexible thinking. This can significantly impact on a person’s ability to engage in their daily lives. Helen will focus on identifying the cognitive difficulties and aim to improve these with rehabilitation and strategies.

  • Functional Rehabilitation

    OT works to increase a person’s independence levels by practising any daily tasks that have become challenging, such as washing, dressing, cooking or accessing the community. Specific work around physical, sensory and cognitive impairments can also be addressed in this way.

  • Fatigue management

    Fatigue is a common neurological symptom affecting those with a brain injury or neurological condition. Helen will focus on improving a person’s energy levels via fatigue management intervention. This involves the completion of a fatigue diary to highlight fatigue symptoms, triggers and themes. Advice will then be provided to best tackle them.

  • Vocational Rehab

    Helen can focus on addressing any problem areas within the workplace, provide advice on reasonable adjustments and recommend equipment, such as assistive technology or office equipment. Helen can also complete liaisons/ training for employers around how to best support their employees.

  • Neurological Splinting

    Helen can provide advice on the need for upper limb splinting, can make bespoke splints to aim to maintain upper limb range of movements, and can make bespoke functional splints to support tasks, such as writing or self-feeding.

  • Equipment recommendations

    There are a variety of equipment aids available to support those with a neurological condition, such as manual handling equipment, wheelchairs/ seating or assistive technology. Helen can provide recommendations as to what will be most suitable on assessment.

  • Case managers

    Helen has experience of working with case managers within medico legal cases. She completes thorough assessments and comprehensive reports. She is also adept at communicating in meetings with solicitors and other members of the multi-disciplinary team and can communicate complex information.

Contact Helen.

If you have any questions, would like to enquire about prices or would like to book an appointment, please contact via the below email or telephone number

07706 219755

Helen will travel up to 1 hour from Stafford (travel rates may apply)